
anna winham

air half-liquid with my own
carbon dioxide – i sink further
into my eyes, lashing a fence
together to keep away the world:
i know
the longer i lie here, the shorter
my oxygen logarithm. i am already
an inch further along that axis.
i lie still, try to freeze.
an object at rest will remain at rest
with respect to its own inertial frame,
but time is outside my inertial frame.
i cannot apprehend a function whose value
is not fixed; i cannot derive
a solution while i am in motion.
the answer is
already not what i was.
there are too many variables
for this set of equations, even
one is too many. how many half
-lives before i asymptote?
(an inch, another) before i become too negligible
for uncertainty?

“We didn’t cross borders, borders crossed us”


Interview with Professor Amia Srinivasan