Bee Scherer


The following introductory note is minimal;

this is a conscious choice: art, including poetry as philosophy, does not belong to the author; but is an open invitation to the audience/readers to unpack and repack meaning for themselves from whatever light or dense textures of concepts and intertextualities can be gleamed.

The haiku cycle (Un)Becoming-In-Time follows the traditional threefold arrangement of a central theme in Buddhist philosophy: Impermanence, flux, and continuity without identity (the Buddhist paradox of rebirth without a Self); this theme can often be found expressed through the cyclic experiential categories of the arising, abiding, and ceasing of phenomena and persons or, in terms of social philosophy, of our belongings and subjectivities.

Arising weds becoming-in-time (the Heideggerian Dasein as a Buddhist Dawerden) into an authentic individuation beyond dualistic concepts with the lived experience of non-binary transness. 

Abiding focusses on a simple response to the experience of dis-ease (the Buddhist dukkha) throughout being-in-time: the Bodhisattva-vow, an enduring and recurring aspiration to altruism (Promise to be kind!) 

Ceasing acknowledges unbecoming-in-time as letting go in the light of despair and its ending. 

Bee Scherer (Amsterdam, summer 2023)


Piercing through the cold

Fertile ambiguity

Pushes beyond as

The messengers of 

Crossroads conquer the rigid

Heaps of toxic ice

Throbbing sky ripples 

Out through frozen name and form

Empty life awakes

Listen to the pulse

Of the neither-nor both-and

Non-dual measure



Shades adrift appear 

Walls of pain no hope no fear

Promise to be kind

Lost in clouds astride 

Between sky and ground abide   

Promise to be kind

In the droning night 

Empty sound trembling and quiet

Promise to be kind

Breaths adrift appear

Aimlessly no hope no fear  

Promise to be kind 



In the chokehold void

Warmth is gasping while the moon’s

Haze entombs the sun

Dying gods flash as

Falling leaves cooler nights' gates 

Welcome our failures

The Great Seal shatters 

Me Not Me flickers across

Corals of light on 

Mountains of Rubies

Home-void-bound nothing to show

Closed lotuses dream

about the author

Prof. Dr. Bee Scherer (they/their) is chair of Buddhist Studies at the Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam (Netherlands) and the rector of the Dutch Buddhist Seminary that oversees the national Buddhist chaplaincy training programme. Before that Bee was Chair of Religious Studies and Gender Studies at Canterbury CCU, in the U.K.

Born in 1971 in Bonn (Germany), Scherer studied Religious Studies, Indo-European Studies, Indology, and Tibetology among other subjects in Bonn and Münster (Germany) and defended a PhD in 2002 on ancient myth and poetry at the University of Groningen (The Netherlands). 

Additionally, Bee has specialised in areas of Critical Theory -Gender, Sexuality and Dis/ability and is engaged in intersectional Social Justice activism connected to the interdisciplinary Institute INCISE ( that Scherer founded in 2016; as the founder and facilitator of the conference network Queering Paradigms, Scherer edited a dozen books for the homonymous series (Oxford, Peter Lang). 

Trained in the classical Buddhist languages and thought systems, Bee has published on a wide range of topics in Buddhist Studies including Early Buddhist literature; Mahāyāna Philosophy; Contemporary Thai Buddhism; Global Chinese and Tibetan Buddhism and Engaged Buddhist Thought. 

As non-binary trans Buddhist teacher in the Tibetan tradition, Bee has been active as a dharma teacher, leading retreats and giving lectures around the world for two decades years.


love letter to the poet’s brain


Interview with Jonathan Birch